It can be difficult to know when to list your property for sale. Is this the first thing you should do? Should you wait until you have found a property to buy? If you wait, there is a strong likelihood you will lose your preferred next home to a proceedable purchaser. There are plenty of them about, often with cash available. If you go to market and secure a great buyer, you can’t be sure that you will find the new home you’re looking for. Is there a perfect solution to this chicken and egg dilemma? Not really, unless you are fortunate enough to be able to buy before selling. There are however steps you can take to give yourself the very best chance of success. In a strong market, you need to make yourself a strong buyer as well as having a secure sale to make a successful move.

You need to plan ahead. Understand the market for and availability of the types of property you may wish to buy. Have your property appraised without delay and get a feel for the demand and current value. You will probably wish to seek advice from several of the most successful agents in your area. Ensure that you have consulted an independent mortgage adviser if you require finance. Doing this sooner rather than later puts you in a strong position and will contribute to making you a buyer of choice in the eyes of sellers. Once you have done the ground work, you need to decide on your strategy.  

Listing your home, finding a buyer and then securing a new home is the “normal” way to move. This has a good chance of success and works out in the majority of cases. Finding a home to buy and then looking to sell your current home is an option, but in current market conditions it is rarely successful. Securing a property when you are not in a position to buy is almost impossible. You might not even get to view it.  Even if your home is extremely desirable, if you are starting from scratch, you are unlikely to be able to get to market, find a buyer and put yourself in the position of ‘buyer of choice’, before a quality property sells.

There is another option; Coast and Country estate agents can put you in a strong position to sell fast whilst also giving you privileged access to one of the best selections of new to market properties in our area. We are offering free advice on selling your home along with discrete low-level marketing. We will make you market ready so that your home can hit the property portals in minutes once you have found a house to buy. In the background, our seven-strong sales team will be earmarking hot buyers for you, whilst working hard to find your next property, possibly from our low-level register, but also by making you the first to know when homes are listed with us and by actively approaching those with suitable properties for you. It’s a holistic approach tailored to an unprecedented market. For further information on a potentially smoother move, please call Darren Smith, Appraisals and Listings Manager, on 01626 366966 or .